The Wife Guys of Reddit, Scotland On Sunday, 24 April 2022
The Wife Guys of Reddit | We Make Music Work Artist of the Week in Scotland On Sunday, 24 April 2022
Words by Derick Mackinnon and Olaf Furniss. Read on
The Wife Guys of Reddit (named after a King Gizzard subreddit) features members of Under the Radar favourites Bunkhouse. They create a wonderful, fun and frenetic brand of punk / rock that has seen them championed by the likes of Vic Galloway on BBC Radio Scotland, Tenement TV, Jim Gellatly, Frankie Francis and Johnny Hedley on Amazing Radio, NARC. Magazine, SNACK, Joyzine, KXSF Radio, and many more.
The quartet consists of Elise Atkinson, Angus Fernie, Niamh MacPhail and Arion Xenos with MacPhail and Xenos sharing lead vocal duties. Their latest single Pig Fat, showcases their gloriously irreverent lyrics, tongue-in-cheek humour and contrasting male / female vocal harmonies.
Next Sunday they play Glasgow’s brilliant multi-venue festival Stag & Dagger, 20 May at The Voodoo Rooms in Edinburgh, followed by The Great Eastern festival. Other live outings include Left of the Dial, The Great Western and Songs from Northern Britain festivals. They’re currently recording a brand new EP, which is being produced by Catholic Action’s Chris McCrory visit
Facbook @thewifeguysofreddit | Twitter @thewifeguys | Instagram @thewifeguysofreddit
The Wife Guys of Reddit | We Make Music Work Artist of the Week in Scotland On Sunday, 24 April 2022
We Make Music Work is a marketing, production and events agency based in Glasgow. Over the last 25 years, WMMW have worked with Snow Patrol, Wellbeing Economy Alliance, PCL, FiiS, the BBC and more. WMMW produced Common Ground Festival at QMU during COP26, provided marketing for Cryptic’s Sonica festival, consultancy and mentoring for JUMP and Leeds Conservatoire and currently work with Green Space Dark Skies visit
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